A Catalog of Rare Brass Instruments
There are a lot of rare brass instruments out there, and not a lot of information on where to buy them. There is information scattered around the various articles on this website, but this article is an attempt at a one-stop shop to see exactly what is out there to buy, and where you can buy it. This will focus mostly on new production instruments currently offered by instrument makers, but will also include any information about the current used market that I have on hand. If you know of another example of a rare brass instrument in current production, please let me know the details and I will add it to the catalog!
A Cornet and Trumpet
Schilke A1A and XA1A cornets in A
Stomvi Titan 4VE trumpet in A, 4 valves ($4695-4920)
Aida Trumpet
Alto Valve Trombone
Schiller American Heritage F ($439), American Heritage Eb ($439) - I have not tried these for myself, but I have heard they are not very good.
Used: late-19th/early-20th century instruments, usually in terrible condition
Bass Flugelhorn (fiscorno)
BerkeleyWind and other cheap Chinese clones, in C - $685
HSM 100 in B-flat
Jürgen Voigt J-260 and J-265 in C or B-flat - €4962-6450
Worischek 3-valve in Bb (€4790), 4-valve in Bb, C, or E-flat (€5410)
Bass Valve Trombone
Cerveny CVT 576-4 in F
Thein in Bb
Used: European rotary models in F, 3 or 4 valves
B-flat Cornet with 4 Valves
Stomvi Titan 4VE ($4495-4720)
B-flat Trumpet with 4 Valves
Stomvi Titan 4VE ($4395-4620)
Haag ($21778)
Lätzsch CB-900 ($17290)
Mike Johnson Bass (F/Eb, £10995), Compensating Bass (F/Eb, £11995), Full Double (F/Eb, £13995), Contrabass (C/Bb, £11995)
O’Malley ($4295) and other Chinese Fs
Wessex CB90P (F, $6950, same as O’Malley), CB91P (Eb, $6950), CB92P (Bb, $7675)
C Cornet
Getzen Custom 3810 - $3780
Schilke A2C - $3800
Stomvi Titan 4VE - $4495-4720
Thein MH One New Style and Opera
Yamaha YCR-9435 - $5198; more like a C trumpet in cornet clothing
C Flugelhorn
Beck Melisma Berlin (rotary) - €5800
Thein (rotary)
Contrabass Trombone
Finke (€6690-6890)
Haag ThurBone/BossBone ($18175)
Helmut Voigt HV-K1, HV-K2, Dresden
Jürgen Voigt JV-173-Gg-K (€11070), JV-173-FGg-K (€10714), JV-173-H (€10985)
Kühnl & Hoyer 186 30 NZ (€13703)
Lätzsch SL-600, SL-620 ($15110)
Leuchter ($11000)
Miraphone Bb 670/670G ($8871), CK 670/670G ($10300)
O’Malley F ($2999) and other Chinese Thein BvD clones, Bb ($3395) and other Chinese Miraphone clones - don’t buy either of these, they are not worth it!
Wessex PF588P - $3840
Used: Kanstul 1690, German opera models
Contrabass Trumpet
Lars Gerdt model GS in F with 4 valves, after Strucel (reportedly around $10,000)
Used: I have only ever seen one used contrabass trumpet for sale, a 3-valve Glier in E-flat. There are a few others floating around, like the ones made from parts by Carl Kleinsteuber. But unless you can afford the Gerdt, you’re better off having one custom made from parts, as the original instrument that George Strucel made for Roger Bobo was.
Corno da Caccia (modern)
Beck Venatio in Bb - €5690
Kromat (special order only)
Ricco Kühn C311 (Bb/A, €4800), C311/2 (Bb/A, €4800), C313 (C, €4800)
Stomvi Titan TP5500/5505/5510 - $5750-5995
Takao Nakagawa in Bb - €3450
Thein in Bb/A or C
Willenberg in Bb/A
Wolfram in Bb
Used: corni da caccia rarely show up used, so you’d be waiting awhile for something that will likely still be very expensive, such as this Thein at Pope Repair for $5995. F. Syhre used to make them in Bb, C, and D and they show up used once in a blue moon. The Takao Nakagawa instrument is a new continuation of the Syhre B-flat design.
Corno da Tirarsi (slide horn)
Egger - CHF 750 for the slide, CHF 2800 for the body in E, plus any additional crooks down to A
Hampson Horns/Jackalope Brassworks in Bb or C - $1500-1650
C Piccolo Trumpet
Egger - CHF 4700-6290
Kromat - €4745
Schilke C5-4 - $4740
C Trumpet with 4 Valves
Stomvi Titan 4VE - $4395-4620
Double Tuba
HSM in F/Bb
G Trumpet/Soprano Bugle
BAC 825, after Kanstul 102 - $2250
Used: Kanstul 100/102 (3 valves), Dynasty G350A/G350B/G353/M354 (3 valves), Dynasty II (2 valves), King K-20 (2 valves), Olds Ultratone (2 valves), all piston/rotor and single-valve models
E-flat Cornet with 4 Valves
Stomvi Titan 4VE - $4695-4920
E Trumpet
B&S Challenger 3117JH (+Eb, 4 valves)
Yamaha YTR-9635 (+Eb)
F Alto Trombone
Lätzsch SL-730/SL-740
Used: Olds F-15
Chinese King 1130 copy (Wessex FB24 ($955), Lake City 415) - I haven’t played one of these, so I don’t know how they play. But as far as I know, they are the only flugabones in current production.
Used: King 1130, Olds O-21, Reynolds Contempora TV-29, Blessing M-200, Bach 883/MT300, Kanstul 955, Dynasty M565/M566, Weril M567, DEG/Willson; buy the King to use in loud ensembles and for a shouty, punchy sound, buy the Olds for the most refined sound that sounds the closest to a slide trombone, and buy the Blessing to use in quiet jazz settings. But the King and all the Olds-pattern flugabones (Olds, Reynolds, Blessing, Bach) are all good instruments that work for everything you might need a flugabone for.
Large Bore Valve Trombone
Jürgen Voigt JV-427 - €6189
Low Orchestral Trumpet
Dotzauer in F - $3160
Egger piston in F, after Courtois - CHF 4840-5750, plus any additional crooks (G, E, Eb, D, C, Bb); rotary in F, after Červený (CHF 5800, plus additional Eb crook)
Thein piston in F, rotary in F
Used: tons of old European rotary examples in F and E-flat on eBay for very cheap, but they are usually in bad shape. It would be better to go through a shop like Hampson Horns, which often has a low F or E-flat in good shape on offer.
Marching Horn
John Packer JP2052 ($1110-1407) and other Chinese Yamaha YHR-302M clones (Schiller at $639)
Jupiter JHR1000M/MS Qualifier ($1874-2324)
King 1122 ($2399+) - discontinued but still in stock in some retailers. Plenty available used.
King KMP411/411S ($1879-2249) - a King marching mellopschillhone with a horn shank, so not really a true marching horn.
Otto 207 La Revolución - to my knowledge, the only professional/concert-quality bell-front horn on the market.
Schiller Field Series ($569) and other Chinese Holton MH-101 clones
Yamaha YHR-302M/MS - $2577-2796
Used: Kanstul 185/285/284, King 1122/Conn 134E, Blessing M-400, Holton MH100/101/102, Yamaha YHR-301M, King K-60, Dynasty II/III, Olds Ultratone, Whaley-Royce Concert Imperial, Getzen Titleist, etc.
Takao Nakagawa valved ophicleide in F - €9000
Piccolo & Sopranino Cornets
Piccolo Trombone
Wessex PB300 ($410) and all the other cheap Chinese ones
Quarter-Tone Flugelhorn
Quarter-Tone Trumpet
Courtois T.O.M.A. - $1400
Inderbinen Tricky ¼ Tone - CHF 6930
Used: many old French models (Courtois, Couesnon, Pelisson, etc.) on eBay, usually in bad shape. Usually not worth it except as a curiosity or decoration.
Sopranino Trumpet (F and G - not G piccolo)
Ricco Kühn T306K - €4600
Schilke G1L and G1L-4 (+optional E bells)
Soprano Tenorhorn (rotary flugelhorn in upright oval shape)
Soprano Trombone
Carol Brass CTB-1005-YSS-Bb-L - various prices depending on the retailer; $479 at Carol Brass of the Rockies and $900 at Austin Custom Brass. In my opinion, this is the cheap-but-still-good soprano to buy. It’s made by Carol Brass which makes good instruments, and it has tuning in the leadpipe rather than the inferior tuning in the bell receiver that the cheaper Chinese sopranos have.
Carol Brass CTB-2005-GLS-GL - a unique soprano trombone in G that uses a flugelhorn bell. I have yet to see this instrument for sale at a retailer, but hopefully it will be soon enough.
Miraphone 63 - $2535
Wessex PB455 Bb/F (special order only)
Countless cheap Chinese examples, any of which would be good if you just want one for fun. Out of all of them, I would recommend the Thomann SL-5 ($125). It is the same as all the others, easily the cheapest, and backed by Thomann’s excellent customer service and return policy. The Wessex PB453 ($410) is all gussied up with the curved slide brace, nickel slide, and what looks to be a red bell, so if you want something a little more interesting without spending a ton that’s the one to get (especially as Wessex does quality control on their horns).
Used: DEG (not good), Minick (very rare), early-20th century American examples (decent and usually not too expensive, sometimes with cornet shank), Kanstul 140/150 (rare and not cheap), Bach Model 10 (enormously rare), Jupiter 314 (cheap and basic, essentially the same as the Chinese sopranos but a bit better quality)
Schagerl - $5999
Wessex PB930 ($975) and other Chinese Holton copies
Used: Holton TR395, always with a hefty collector tax
Wagner Tuba
Engelbert Schmid Bb tenor (€9125), F bass (€11480), or F/Bb double (€12300)
Wessex FH250 ($1110) and other Chinese compensating doubles
Vienna Horn
Brassego - €7900
Engelbert Schmid - €7140-9870
Used: Uhlmann and other antiques